Confonting the Gloves-Off Economy: America’s Broken Labor Standards and How to Fix Them

This report is based on the Labor and Employment Relations Association Research Volume, The Gloves-Off Economy: Labor Standards at the Bottom of America’s Labor Market, edited by Annette Bernhardt, Heather Boushey, Laura Dresser, and Chris Tilly. (c) Copyright 2008 Labor and Employment Relations Association, Champaign, IL. Each section of the report is adapted, in much shorter form (and omitting documentation and sources) from a chapter in that book. The editors would like to thank Scott Martelle for writing this report based on the chapters in the original volume. The full book is available for purchase by contacting the distributor, Cornell University Press, at: We thank the Labor and Employment Relations Association and the chapter authors for their willingness to facilitate the publication of this more streamlined, policy-oriented version of the material. The authors would also like to thank the Ford Foundation for its support of this project, and in particular, the guidance and input of Héctor Cordero-Guzmán during the writing of both the full volume and this report. The volume and report represent the views of the authors, and do not necessarily correspond to those of the Ford Foundation.