12/1 briefing: Why is the Fed about to slow down the economy?
- 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EDT
- - Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 143A
While the reported jobless rate in America is now well under 6%, the real jobless rate is nearly 13% when we take into account those who have become too discouraged to continue looking for work and people unable to find full-time work. The rate is upwards of 25% in some communities of color. This session will focus on the need for national full employment legislation, a higher minimum wage, and innovative new strategies to promote locally-driven job creation; and address the systemic challenges of stagnant wages, declining benefits, and unsatisfactory opportunities for long-term advancement. The panel will highlight the promise of Congressman Conyers’ HR 1000—the 21st Humphrey-Hawkins Century Full Employment and Training Act, as well as innovative best practices from around the nation in promoting job creation through community wealth-building, employee ownership, and other strategies for inclusive growth.
Dennos Museum Center Milliken Auditorium, Traverse City, MI