
A Latin American Success Story

  • 3:00 pm EDT
  • 1630 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., 7th Floor Washington, DC 20009 - The New America Foundation

Hosted By:
IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings

Five Years of Extraordinary Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Argentina

En Español

As part of the events held in conjunction with the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings, this forum marked the fifth anniversary of Argentina’s remarkable economic growth. It has defied most experts and most of the business press since the beginning.

Four years ago, one year into the recovery, the IMF’s Research Director called Argentina’s growth “a hiatus at the moment from its long economic fall.” Argentina has now completed five years of the fastest economic growth in the Western Hemisphere, with GDP increasing by 47 percent and more than nine million people pulled over the poverty line. Felisa Josefina Miceli, Argentina’s Minister of the Economy, and Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of the Center for Economic Policy Research, discussed the implications of Argentina’s economic success and how it was made possible. Moderated by Bob Davis of the Wall Street Journal.




davis weisbrot weisbrot_micelli
Mr. Bob Davis Dr. Mark Weisbrot
Dr. Weisbrot &
Fin. Min. Miceli


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Finance Minister Felisa Josefina Miceli


The panel answers audience questions

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