Aid Accountability in Haiti
- 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST
- 27 Independence Avenue Southeast Washington, DC 20003 - Cannon HOB 421
Following Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake, the international community announced around $10 billion in relief and reconstruction assistance. With limited tangible results on the ground, Haitian and U.S. civil society groups have been asking “where has the money gone?”, prompting the U.S. Congress to pass the 2014 Assessing Progress in Haiti Act last year. This panel will look at how U.S. and other foreign assistance funding has been spent over the last five years and discuss improving transparency and accountability around the aid efforts of both Haitian and international entities.
Beth Hogan, Acting Assistant Administrator for the Latin America and Caribbean Bureau, USAID (invited)
Prospery Raymond, Country Manager for Haiti and the Dominican Republic, Christian Aid
Prospere Charles, Social Scientist, former Haiti Representative for Project HOPE
Jake Johnston, Research Associate, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Jasmine Huggins, Snr. Policy and Advocacy Officer for Haiti, Church World Service
This event is organized by the Haiti Advocacy Working Group (HAWG). A complete list of upcoming HAWG events is available here.
Dennos Museum Center Milliken Auditorium, Traverse City, MI