
FDL Book Salon: 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism

  • 2:00 pm EDT
  • Online Webinar

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We may like or dislike capitalism, but surely we all know how it works. Right? Wrong. Today, most arguments about capitalism are dominated by free-market ideology and unfounded assumptions that parade as “facts.” With the help of the “Dead Presidents” on the dollar bills, Walt Disney’s “The Rescuers,” an Indian bus driver named Ram, and sheep-burning French farmers, Ha-Joon Chang’s new book, “23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism” (Bloomsbury USA, January 2011), tells the story of capitalism as it is and shows how capitalism as we know it can be, and should be, made better. Ha-Joon, a senior research associate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, took part in an online book salon on Firedoglake hosted by Jon Jeter, journalist and author of “Flat Broke in the Free Market: How Globalization Fleeced Working People.” Visit Firedoglake for more info.

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