
Federal Reserve for the 21st Century: Employment, Consumer Protection, and the Future of Financial Regulation

  • 9:10 am EDT
  • 1899 L St NW, Suite 400 Washington D.C., DC 20036 - New America Foundation

Hosted By:
The Roosevelt Institute

Despite recent job growth numbers, uncertainty continues to pervade the economy. This will challenge the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to manage a complex balance sheet. Further complicating the landscape is the subsequent role of a new Financial Stability Oversight Board and the work-in-progress of implementing Dodd-Frank financial reform. Much responsibility for overseeing the functioning of a dynamic, stable, and sustainable economy will remain with the Federal Reserve. The Roosevelt Institute held an event on the future of the Federal Reserve, day two of a two-day event. CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker took part in a discussion on “Restoring Growth and Full Employment.” A video of the event is available below or after the jump.

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