
How Can the Global South Achieve Climate Justice Under Debt Burden and Austerity?

  • 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm EDT
  • - Online

Hosted By:
International Monetary Fund

Watch the recording of this event here 

Middle and low-income countries in the global south are the most impacted countries by climate change in the world. The session aims to open the debate on the climate crisis and access to energy in MENA, sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia, highlighting the impact of debt and austerity policies on the population from those regions.

Shereen Talaat, Arab Watch Coalition

Ivana Vasić-Lalović, Center for Economic and Policy Research 
Jax Bongon, IBON International
Nadia Hmaity, Association LaSiesta Pour la Protection de l’Environnement
John Nkaw, Action AID Ghana

ActionAid, Big Shift Campaign, Bretton Woods Project, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung MENA, Gender Action, IBON International, Urgewald

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