
Jobs, Inequality, and the Public Sector: Improving the Economic Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of the U.S.

  • 1:00 pm EDT
  • Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor Reception Area 120 F Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001 - Georgetown University Law Center

Hosted By:
Georgetown University Law Center

Early this year, President Obama released an updated “Strategy for American Innovation,” and the Department of Commerce was tasked with a comprehensive study of the economic competitiveness and innovative capacity of the United States. An Innovation Advisory Board of leaders in academia, business and labor was created to work in consultation with the Department of Commerce on this important report.

To inform the consultation process for the report, as well as the broader public debate about economic competitiveness and innovation, the Communications Workers of America – which has a seat on the Innovation Advisory Board – co-sponsored this conference with Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor and the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

Leading experts on the U.S. economy discussed the crucial challenges to the nation’s competitiveness and capacity for innovation and outline an agenda for meeting those challenges. A video of the discussion is available below. For more videos from the event, visit the event’s website

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