
Looking Ahead: State Leaders, National Experts Separate Fact From Fiction on Public Pensions

  • 11:00 am EST
  • 29 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045 - The National Press Club

Hosted By:
National Public Pension Coalition

CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker took part in a briefing sponsored by the National Public Pension Coalition to address the unprecedented number of proposals in states to chip away at the foundations of America’s public pension systems. The briefing separated fact from fiction on budget and policy proposals regarding defined benefit pensions and experts explained how recent proposals to diminish retirement security will affect millions of teachers, cops, firefighters and other dedicated public servants. The event also featured a recent retiree from Rhode Island whose story underscores the danger of pension-cutting plans in the states and from those in Congress by Senator Orrin Hatch.

Speakers included:

  • Thomas P. DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller
  • Janet Cowell, North Carolina State Treasurer
  • Hank Kim, Executive Director and Counsel, National Conference on Public Employment Retirement Systems (NCPERS)
  • Dolores Bresette, Retiree from Rhode Island, who is now facing cuts to her pension.

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