
Money Makes The World Go Around

  • 7:00 pm EDT
  • 2828 N. Humboldt Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53212 - Gordon Park PavilionGordon Park Pavilion

Hosted By:
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Center for Economic Development; Wisconsin Voices; Institute for Wisconsin’s Future; American Federation of Teachers - 212; Citizen Action of WI; Partnership for Working Families; We Are Milwaukee- We Are WI; WISDOM; SEI

CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker took part in a talk on the economy, financial speculation taxes and the misinformation behind the deficit. The event, which was free, was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Center for Economic Development; Wisconsin Voices; Institute for Wisconsin’s Future; American Federation of Teachers – 212; Citizen Action of WI; Partnership for Working Families; We Are Milwaukee- We Are WI; WISDOM; SEIU; and Wisconsin AFL-CIO.

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