Nearly a quarter century has passed since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was initially negotiated. Its proponents promised it would lead to job creation and increased living standards for workers in all three countries. Yet, some of the most adversely impacted communities are small farmers. Rural flight and increased food insecurities have resulted, as industrial agriculture has taken over production chains often leading to increased migration as local economies falter.
With the Administration’s recent notice to Congress of its intent to renegotiate NAFTA, we see an opportunity. Renegotiating NAFTA offers the possibility to address food insecurity, remedy the incentive that drives rural dislocation, and fix other problems in the agriculture sector caused by NAFTA.
Sister Simone Campbell, Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Laura Carlsen, Director of Americas Program at Center for International Policy
Karen Hansen-Kuhn, Director, Trade and Global Governance at Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Abel Nunez, Executive Director of CARECEN, Latino Resource and Justice Center America
Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of Center for Economic & Policy Research
Patrick Woodall, Research Director/Senior Policy Advocate at Food & Water Watch
Each panelist will deliver brief remarks, which will be followed by an open discussion, Q&A period.
You can watch the event here.