
SDRs: Critical to Containing the Pandemic and Boosting the World Economy

  • 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm EST
  • - Online

Hosted By:
World Trade Center Arkansas and Center for Economic and Policy Research

The World Trade Center Arkansas and the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) co-organized a panel, “SDRs: Critical to Containing the Pandemic and Boosting the World Economy,” on November 17, 2020, at 1:30 pm EST. 

The panelists included:

  • Katie Story, Integrity Grain, Director of Operations
  • Melvin Torres, World Trade Center Arkansas, Director of Western Hemisphere Trade
  • Alex Main, Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), Director of International Policy
  • Isaac Evans-Frantz, Action Corps, Executive Director

Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, are international reserve assets — a sort of international currency — which the International Monetary Fund (IMF) creates for its 189 member countries, much as central banks increase the supply of bank reserves at the national level. This panel helps attendees understand how SDRs can quickly help the US and international community weather the economic downturn from COVID-19.

Join us to learn more about how SDRs can help support Arkansas businesses and agricultural exports.

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