
Social Security: The Trust Fund, The Deficit, and Americans’ Retirement Security

  • 11:30 am EDT
  • 283 1st St SE Washington, DC 20559 - Cannon House Office Building

Hosted By:
The Aspen Institute

The Aspen Institute sponsored a panel discussion on Social Security called “Social Security: The Trust Fund, the Deficit, and Americans’ Retirement Security.” CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker took part in the panel, along with Representative Xavier Becerra and speakers from the Aspen Institute who discussed a soon-to-be-released brief, “Social Security: The House that Roosevelt Built.” The paper takes a look at the legal status of Social Security, debunking some oft-heard critiques, such as that the bonds are worthless, the trust fund is a gimmick, and the program is merely a government run ponzi scheme. 

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