
The Case Against Sanctions

  • 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EDT
  • - Online

Hosted By:
Massachusetts Peace Action


Sanctions that target key sectors of a foreign country’s economy are often portrayed as an effective and useful tool for pressuring governments considered to be a security threat or to be engaged in human rights violations or anti-democratic behavior.

However, a growing body of research shows that economic sanctions have dire consequences for human populations, causing many deaths — sometimes more than armed conflicts — and increases in preventable disease. Experts argue that they violate international law. Studies show that they are generally not effective in achieving desired results.

The United States is the world leader in imposing economic sanctions and supports sanctions regimes affecting nearly 200 million people.  In this webinar, we will learn how economic sanctions work and explore what can be done to curtail their use and attenuate their effect on human lives.

Presentation by Alexander Main, Center for Economic and Policy Research.

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Haiti: Crisis in Context

Haiti: Crisis in Context

Dennos Museum Center Milliken Auditorium, Traverse City, MI