
The Fight Against Austerity and the Rise of the New European Left

  • 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm EDT
  • 1112 16th St NW #600 Washington, DC 20036 - Institute for Policy Studies

Co-Sponsored by: The Center for Economic and Policy Research, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office, and the Institute for Policy Studies

Please note that this event has reached capacity. 

Europe is experiencing a profound political upheaval. Years of austerity and economic stagnation have sparked a wave of discontent that has led to the rise of progressive parties across the continent. These new formations share an opposition to the draconian public sector cuts and labor market reforms currently being imposed by European authorities and the International Monetary Fund.

In January, Greece’s SYRIZA stunned the world with a resounding electoral victory. Over the past year in Spain, PODEMOS has risen in the polls and is now set to break apart four decades of two-party dominance in upcoming national elections. In Germany—the heart of power in Europe—DIE LINKE has consolidated itself as the country’s third electoral force, behind the two traditional powers now governing in coalition.

With the Greek debt negotiation rapidly approaching its next, and potentially final, deadline, the future of the euro—and of the European Union itself—is at stake.

Join high-level representatives from Greece’s SYRIZA, Spain’s PODEMOS, and Germany’s DIE LINKE to discuss the impact of austerity and the alternative policy agendas of these parties, and of similar movements throughout the EU. Other issues of mutual concern to progressives on both sides of the Atlantic will also be addressed, including the secretive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Light refreshments will be provided. 


Introduction: Albert Scharenberg, Co-Director of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office

Yiannis Bournous
is a Member of the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA and its Head Responsible for International Affairs.

Pablo Bustinduy
is the Secretary for International Relations of the Citizens’ Council of PODEMOS.

Caren Lay
is a Member of Parliament of DIE LINKE and its Deputy Chair in the German Bundestag.

Moderator: Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research