The Recession of Economic Collapse: The Bush Administration and Over-Valued Dollar
- 3:10 pm EST
- 100 Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549 - Hofstra University
CEPR’s Dean Baker will present an address on economic policy as part of Hofstra University’s Conference on the George W. Bush Presidency. Hofstra has a long and distinguished tradition of hosting conferences on the administrations of all the Presidents of the United States who have served during the University’s lifetime, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt forward. Dean will be introduced by Professor Martin Melonian of the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
There is a fee to attend the conference, and registration is required. For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669 or [email protected].
Dennos Museum Center Milliken Auditorium, Traverse City, MI