
The Robots are coming!? Update on a joint EARN project on the Future of Work, and discussion of how EARN groups can move into that future

  • 8:40 am – 10:00 am EDT
  • 3515 Wilshire Blvd Los, Angeles CA 90010 - The Line Hotel

CEPR’s Nicole Woo will be speaking on this panel at the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) conference.  In 2014, an EARN collaborative took on the economic, demographic, and policy questions swirling around the Future of Work. This session will quickly introduce participants to the product of that work. But more important than learning about the product of the work, this session will engage in looking forward, to the future of policy and practice that will help us all engage in the future of works. Be part of the plotting for what to do with all the leisure time we’ll have when the robots take over.

The theme of the conference is, “Toward an Economy that Works for All: Generating Wage Growth through State and Local Policies.” There is a fee to attend, and registration is required. For more details, contact [email protected].