
Tracking the Federal Debt and Deficit

  • 10:30 am EDT
  • 1615 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20006 - AEI-National Chamber Foundation

Hosted By:
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The national debt has become a dominant political issue in Washington and around the country. Policymakers are under pressure to reduce the deficit and put the United States on a sustainable path to economic recovery. Yet federal debt is a complex issue involving short- and long-term economic goals and national policy implications. CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker took part in a panel examining specific strategies to rein in the deficit as part of a larger event titled “A Balancing Act: Federal Debt, Deficits, and Economic Recovery.”

The joint AEI-National Chamber Foundation event provided an overview of America’s current economic situation, outlined the means of addressing the federal deficit, discussed the many ramifications of foreign debt, and addressed how the management of current debt levels could impact economic recovery. For more information on the event, visit AEI’s website.

Presentation (.PPT) | Flash flash_small