
U.S. Retirement Income Crisis

  • 9:15 am EDT
  • 120 Constitution Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002 - Hart Senate Office Building - Room 902

Hosted By:
Strengthen Social Security

Americans who will retire in the coming decades face a confluence of factors that threaten their income security. Disappearing employer pensions, a 401(k) and IRA system that fails to provide meaningful retirement income to most Americans, stagnating wages, rising health and long-term care costs, and the continued phasing-in of cuts to Social Security.

Strengthen Social Security is hosting a conference, “Social Security’s Role in Solving the Retirement Income Crisis,” to discuss this crisis and the importance of Social Security as part of any policy response. CEPR Co-director Dean Baker will be on the first panel of the day discussing the “U.S. Retirement Income Crisis.”

For more information and to RSVP, visit the conference website or watch the webcast here.

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