
Unemployed, Not Undeserving: Asian Americans, Unemployment, & Job Creation

  • 11:30 am EST
  • Independence Avenue and First Street Washington, D.C. - Cannon House Office Building Room 340

Hosted By:
The Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance Education Fund and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

The Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance Education Fund, in cooperation with the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, held a congressional briefing titled “Unemployed, Not Undeserving: Asian Americans, Unemployment, & Job Creation.”

The briefing brought forward the dilemma at hand – Asian Americans who become unemployed remain unemployed longer than any other ethnic group. Confirmed speakers included Marlene Kim of UMass-Boston and the Economic Policy Institute and Nicole Woo, director of domestic policy at CEPR.

The briefing also featured testimonies from workers impacted by the American Jobs Act, and the White House had a representative present to speak on the benefits of the American Jobs Act for AAPIs.

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