Press Release
Washington DC — Yesterday, Dr. Algernon Austin was elected to be a Member of the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI). His addition to NASI further expands the base of knowledge across topics critical to the social insurance field. Austin is the Director for Race and Economic Justice at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR).
“It’s a great honor to be elected to Membership in NASI,” said Austin, who joins three other NASI Members on CEPR’s staff, co-founder and Senior Economist Dean Baker, Co-Director Eileen Appelbaum, and Senior Policy Fellow Shawn Fremstad.
The Board of Directors of NASI approved the election of 48 distinguished experts to the Academy, including Austin, bringing the total active membership to over 1,200.
The Academy advances solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security. This mission encompasses established social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, Workers’ Compensation, and Unemployment Insurance — as well as related policy areas, including Medicaid, long-term services and supports, paid leave, other social assistance programs, and private employee benefits.
“We are excited to welcome our newest Members and to support their contributions to social insurance and related policy areas,” says William Arnone, the Academy’s Chief Executive Officer. “New and existing Members, encompassing a diverse range of perspectives and expertise, play a pivotal role in the Academy’s work to address critical issues in today’s challenging environment — from the impacts of COVID-19 to racism in its many dimensions.”
“We’re thrilled to welcome this new cohort of social insurance experts to the Academy’s membership. Together, they bring an expansive base of knowledge across topics critical to the social insurance field and will help elevate the Academy’s mission to strengthen social insurance and improve economic security in this country,” said Robert Espinoza, Chair of the Membership Committee and Vice President of Policy at PHI, a national organization focused on strengthening the direct care workforce.
New Academy Members are nominated by current Members in recognition of their professional contributions, such as improving the quality of research, administration, or policymaking in an area of social insurance. Members make significant contributions to the Academy’s research, education, and leadership development initiatives by volunteering their time to serve on study panels, task forces, committees, and speaking at conferences and other Academy programs.