Press Release
June 13, 2007
House Subcommittee Votes to Fully Fund Key Census Survey
Statement from Heather Boushey, Senior Economist, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Contact: Liz Chimienti, 202-293-5380 x110
For Immediate Release: June 13, 2007
Washington, DC: The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Science, Justice, Commerce and Related Agencies has voted to fund the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). The SIPP is the nation’s only survey that collects essential data on the effectiveness of Medicaid, Social Security, Food Stamps, unemployment insurance and other programs.
Two weeks ago, the Bush Administration reversed course and decided not to eliminate the SIPP; however, it has not requested any additional funding to execute it. With the subcommittees vote, the Census Bureau could run the full program if this funding is approved by the House and Senate.
Statement from Heather Boushey, Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, which coordinated a sign-on letter of social scientists in support of the SIPP:
“On behalf of the 446 social scientists who signed a letter urging Congress to maintain funding for the survey, we applaud Chairman Mollohan’s work to fully fund the SIPP. This is a very positive first step in assuring that the country does not lose an essential measure of the effectiveness of government programs. We urge House and Senate appropriators to maintain this level of funding for the SIPP as they continue to negotiate funding levels for the Census Bureau.
We also applaud the Census Bureau, which has indicated that with full funding, it will start a new SIPP panel in 2008.”