Press Release

One Year after Seattle: Globalization Revisited


November 27, 2000

For Immediate Release: November 27, 2000
Contact: David Levy, 202-293-5380

A new report from CEPR, One Year After Seattle: Globalization Revisited, analyzes the changes in policy and the debate over globalization since the collapse of the World Trade Organization’s negotiations last year. 

November 30 marks one year since the Millennium Round of the World Trade Organization (WTO) collapsed under a cloud of tear gas. The WTO has yet to set a date for the resumption of talks, and the future course of the organization is in doubt.

More broadly, the post-Seattle era has been host to a new and different debate over globalization. Even the staunchest proponents of increasing international trade and investment have conceded that the interests of the poor, the environment, and working people will not automatically be advanced by the expansion of global markets.

The debate over globalization has expanded considerably since Seattle,” stated Dr. Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). “But there has been little in the way of substantive policy changes or institutional reform. The WTO has not changed its pre-Seattle agenda. The IMF and the World Bank are still dragging their feet on debt relief for the world’s poorest countries, and seem to have learned little from their mistakes in Asia, Russia, and Latin America.”

The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) is currently available for interviews and information on these topics. The Center’s research on globalization and related economic issues has played a leading role in policy and activist circles.  CEPR’s Co-Directors, economists Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker have written widely on these topics, and their op-eds and columns appear regularly in major newspapers throughout the country, including the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and the Boston Globe. They have also appeared frequently on national TV and radio, including ABC, CBS, BBC World News, CNN, Fox News, C-SPAN, NPR’s All Things Considered and Marketplace Radio.


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