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CEPR Budget Calculator places specific tax or spending numbers in the context of the total U.S. budget. It converts dollar amounts into either dollars per capita or into a percentage of total revenues, total discretionary spending, or the total budget (including nondiscretionary spending).


Health Care Budget Deficit Calculator allows you to see what the projected U.S. budget deficit would be, as a percentage of GDP, if the United States had the same per person health care costs as various other countries which enjoy longer life expectancies than the United States.


The CLASP-CEPR Turnover Calculator allows employers to calculate how much turnover costs in just 10 questions and helps human resource managers and business owners understand turnover’s toll.


The Pension Return Calculator allows users to manipulate several variables — including nominal rates of return on stocks and GDP growth — to show price-to-earnings ratios from 1962-2050 in an attempt to achieve a risk-free, 4.5 percent rate of return.


The Social Security Benefit Calculator estimates your family monthly income during retirement and compares it to other households in your county with similar demographics—your race, age, and marital status. Alternatively, you may compare to the state as a whole.


Deficit Calculator allows users to see how various policies will affect the debt burden in 2020. These options have appeared in public debates (or should) and would have a substantial impact on the deficit. The calculator allows users to select whatever target they consider appropriate given the various reference points shown.


CEPR Housing Cost Calculator compares the cost of owning a home relative to renting for a potential new homeowner. It reports the “Net Cost of Owning” — the expected amount of additional cash available to a renter.


Accurate Benefits Calculator compares current-law Social Security benefits to the Bush Plan based on “Progressive Indexing” and the 2005 State of the Union proposal, which includes private accounts paid for by 4 percentage points of the employee’s payroll tax.