A Discussion on Foreign Investment in Bolivia
- 12:00 pm EDT
- - Washington, DC
Following steps by the Bolivian government to take greater control of its natural gas fields, and its recent decision to withdraw from the investor-dispute settlement arm of the World Bank, U.S. media coverage has tended to portray the investment climate in Bolivia as unstable and threatening. But do the Bolivian government’s attempts to assert greater control over the country’s natural resources, and its successful efforts to obtain a larger share of revenue, really threaten foreign investors? What are Bolivia’s reasons for its decision to withdraw from the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)?
Pablo Solón Romero Oroza, Plenipotentiary Representative for Integration and Trade Issues for the Bolivian Government, addressed these and other questions.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Press Breakfast with Pablo Solón Romero Oroza
Washington, DC
Pablo Solón Romero Oroza (at right) sits down with journalists from national and international media outlets to discuss the investment climate in Bolivia, May 31, 2007.
Listen to the entire event (1:02:06)
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Friday, June 1, 2007
Presentation by Mr. Solón
The Mott House, Washington, DC
Pablo Solón Romero Oroza addressed an overflow crowd on Bolivia’s challenges and perspective.
Listen to the entire event (1:01:43):
Or choose from the segments below:
Click on the thumbnails to view full-size images.