Algernon has conducted research and writing on issues of race and racial inequality for over 20 years. His current primary focus is on the low rate of employment in Black America, one of the three major labor market challenges facing this population, and on using subsidized employment as a tool to address this problem. Austin also has an interest in social housing, infrastructure, racial wealth inequality, and other topics at the intersection of race and the economy.
Austin has a PhD in sociology from Northwestern University, and he taught sociology as a faculty member at Wesleyan University. He has held positions at the Economic Policy Institute, the Center for Global Policy Solutions, Dēmos, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. He has discussed racial inequality on PBS, CNN, NPR, and other national television and radio networks.
All from Algernon Austin
Unequal Employment: Black Jobs Gaps and Deficits by State
Explore the current state of Black employment in the US. Learn about the progress made and the challenges that still need to be addressed.

Governors Need to Do More to Protect Their Low-Income Residents from Climate Change Especially in the South
Explore the financial impact of extreme weather and how it disproportionately affects low-income residents in Southern states.

Many Asian American Renters Are Struggling to Pay for Housing
Exploring the housing struggles faced by Asian American renters. High median income masks income inequality in the Asian American population.

US Affordable Rental Housing Policy Either Doesn’t Make Any Sense or Is Working as Intended
The truth about the affordable rental housing policy: Current strategies, including the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, are failing renters.

The Three Labor Market Struggles Facing Black America
Black America suffers from three distinct challenges in the labor market that require differing solutions.

We Need More State Climate Corps Jobs Open to More Young People
All states should have their own climate corps program.

Subsidized Employment Can Help California’s High-Unemployment Latino Cities
The low national unemployment rate can obscure much variation across the country. In every state, many communities continue to experience high unemployment. This problem is particularly visible in a large state like California.

Conservatives’ Obstruction Leads to a Tripling of American Indian Child Poverty
Child Tax Credit, United States, Poverty, Inequality, Health and Social Programs

Conservative Politicians Choose Higher Child Poverty Rates
Policymakers are choosing to have a high U.S. poverty rate and worsening the economic health of the nation.

Subsidized Employment Can Reduce Crime and Gun Violence Among Black Men
Economic hardship, racial segregation, social isolation, joblessness, and other forms of underinvestment in communities contribute to high violent crime rates. Socioeconomic disadvantage is particularly concentrated in Black neighborhoods.