Deborah is the director of international programs at CEPR. She has over 25 years of expertise working on issues of trade and democratic global governance. At CEPR, her work focuses on the International Monetary Fund and US policy toward Latin America.

For the last 18 years, Deborah facilitated the global Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) network that successfully stopped the expansion of the World Trade Organization (WTO). She is a world-renowned expert on the potential impacts of the WTO’s proposed Doha Round on workers, farmers, and communities and digital trade and regularly briefs governments and civil society around the world. She co-led the global campaign to defeat the proposed Trade in Services Agreement.

Previous to CEPR, she was the director of the WTO Program of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. She was also the global economy director of Global Exchange where she did similar work around the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas and started the first Fair Trade coffee campaigns.

Deborah has written numerous articles and makes regular media appearances in English and Spanish and has appeared on CNN en Español, Voice of America, CNN International, and the O’Reilly Factor, among other news outlets. She graduated cum laude in psychology and women’s studies from the University of California at San Diego and holds a Masters in International Policy and Planning from the George Washington University.

All from Deborah James