
Hidden Costs of Healthcare

  • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
  • 529 14TH ST NW , Washington, DC - The National Press Club

Hosted By:
Institute for New Economic Thinking

Medical costs and what drives them are now a burning issue in public policy. Recent work sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking has drawn attention to important factors that have thus far received only cursory public attention. These include the role of stock buybacks and financialization in the business models of major pharmaceutical companies and their relation to innovation; patents, market exclusivity, and the commercialization of government-funded research; and of course drug prices and promotion practices.

Other INET research has drawn attention to the influence of private equity firms in driving up prices in segments of medical care, especially hospital charges, and surprise billing of patients.

Leading researchers Eileen Appelbaum, Rosemary Batt, William Lazonick and Öner Tulum will present their research on these topics that will allow reporters and analysts to ask questions as well as hear answers.

For more information, visit the event site.

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Haiti: Crisis in Context

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