
The Upcoming Elections in Honduras and El Salvador: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Role of the U.S.

  • 10:00 am EDT
  • C Street Southeast, Washington, D.C., 20003 - Cannon House Office Building - Room 421

Over the next few months, two high-stakes elections will take place in Central America. On November 24, Honduras will hold its first presidential and congressional elections since the controversial 2009 vote organized under a de facto government.

In early February next year, the people of El Salvador will head to the polls for the first Presidential elections since the historic victory of the leftist party FMLN party in 2009.

A panel of human rights defenders and country experts will share their analysis of what is at stake in these elections, what issues require attention both during the campaign and on election day, and how the U.S. government – long-involved in the internal politics of both nations – can play a constructive role in ensuring that these elections contribute to strengthening democracy, rather than undermining it.

Panelists included:

Bertha Oliva,
General Coordinator of the Committee of the Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH)

Hector Perla,
Professor of Latin American and Latino Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz

Victor Fernandez,
Coordinator of the Broad Movement for Dignity and Justice (Honduras), former president of the Honduran Association of Public Prosecutors

Full Presentation:


Bertha Oliva and Victor Fernandez on Honduras (En español):

Hector Perla on El Salvador:

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