Press Release
Washington, DC — Junius Williams, Esq., senior research fellow at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), received an honorary degree from Amherst College for his work as “a fearless civil rights advocate” on May 26, 2024.
At the commencement ceremony, Williams spoke on the theme of “The Art and Science of the Politics of Confrontation.” That special art is something he has long practiced as an attorney, musician, historian, educator, and civil and human rights activist.
“Junius’s vision puts CEPR’s work in the context of history and economic justice,” said CEPR co-director Dr. Eileen Appelbaum. “CEPR applauds Amherst College for uplifting and honoring his work.”
Many of the lessons he learned throughout his long career are now being passed on to another generation through his Everything’s Political podcast, which examines the hidden side of politics through conversations about social justice issues. See CEPR’s website for more about Junius Williams.