Mark Levinson
Former Chief Economist, Service Employees International Union
Former Chief Economist, Service Employees International Union
Mark Levinson is a New York-based economist, socialist, historian, and journalist focused on economic and business issues and making these issues understandable to the general public. He is book review editor and editorial board member of Dissent and frequently reviews books for The Wall Street Journal and other publications.
Mark has worked for Time magazine, the Bureau of National Affairs (now part of Bloomberg), the daily Journal of Commerce in New York, and Newsweek. After serving as finance and economics editor of The Economist in London, he joined the bank that is now JPMorgan Chase.
Mark later became senior fellow for international business at the Council on Foreign Relations and managed transportation and industry analysis for the US Congress at the Congressional Research Service. Along the way, he has advised a number of businesses and public agencies and has spoken to business and academic audiences in many countries and in several languages.
Mark helped to set up the Fiscal Policy Institute, a coalition of unions and religious and social service organizations that publishes The State of Working New York and other reports on New York city and state budget and tax policy. He is a retired chief economist for Workers United.
Mark has written seven books. He has also written for leading publications, such as the Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, and Foreign Affairs, and has contributed to a number of websites and scholarly journals.