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Fact-based, data-driven research and analysis to advance democratic debate on vital issues shaping people’s lives.

Center for Economic and Policy Research
1611 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20009

Tel: 202-293-5380
Fax: 202-588-1356


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The Center for Economic and Policy Research is proud of the support that we receive. Approximately 80% of our funding comes from grants made by foundations. We are also supported by an ever-growing number of individuals who have made personal donations to our work. To join our ranks of individuals donors, Donate.

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Fiscal Responsibility

The Center for Economic and Policy Research has an excellent track record for efficient use of donor funds. According to a June 2012 in-house analysis of the 25 most-cited think tanks in the nation, CEPR was again the most cost-effective, ranking first in media citations per budget dollar for the fifth time in a row. CEPR also ranked first in web traffic per budget dollar.

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The Center for Economic and Policy Research respects the privacy of our donors. We do not sell, share, or exchange any of our donors’ personal or contact information with anyone else, nor do we send mailings on behalf of other organizations.