“Brazil is Broken”: Bolsonaro, COVID, and the Looming Return to Austerity
Without a fundamental change in governing priorities, Brazil will enter into a very difficult period in the coming months and years.

Without a fundamental change in governing priorities, Brazil will enter into a very difficult period in the coming months and years.
Bolsonaro’s move was purely an effort to satisfy his friend Donald Trump. He apparently has no more respect for the lives of the people in Brazil than Trump does for people in the United States.
In Latin America, organized social media manipulation campaigns have already become a go-to strategy for many right-wing movements and governments.
What is happening in Rio illustrates how a combination of anti-Black racism, militarized law enforcement, and a lack of social services leads to tragic levels of state violence.
The first indigenous president in the country’s history, a socialist with a remarkable record of slashing poverty, has been toppled following an election that the OAS denounced as fraudulent — even though the OAS still can’t furnish conclusive proof.
Bolivia may yet experience much turmoil, repression, violence, and anguish before it sees the restoration of democracy and the rule of law.
Multilateral organizations like the Organization of American States (OAS) have a certain perceived impartiality because they are, in theory, controlled by a diverse group of nations. But sometimes a great power can wield a disproportionate influence.