Jake is the Director of International Research at CEPR. His research has focused predominantly on economic policy in Latin America, the International Monetary Fund, and US foreign policy.

Jake has a BA in economics from Boston University and an MA in writing from Johns Hopkins University.

He is the lead author for CEPR’s Haiti: Relief and Reconstruction Watch blog, and his articles and op-eds have been published in outlets such as The New York Times, The Nation, Le Monde diplomatique, and Al Jazeera. He is the author of Aid State: Elite Panic, Disaster Capitalism, and the Battle to Control Haiti from St. Martin’s Press.

All from Jake Johnston

Give Peace a Chance in Haiti

Give Peace a Chance in Haiti

Get insights into the Kenya-led multinational intervention force in Haiti and the lack of clarity around its objectives, rules of engagement, and oversight.

By Jake Johnston

Books from Jake Johnston