
REPORT EuropeWorkers

Parental Leave Policies in 21 Countries: Assessing Generosity and Gender Equality


September 2008, Rebecca Ray, Janet C. Gornick and John Schmitt

This report examines the parental leave policies in 21 high-income nations and identifies five “best practices” for parental leave policies. The study shows that the U.S. has the least generous leave policies of the 21 countries examined in the report. The states exhibiting the five best practices include Finland, France, Greece, Norway, Spain, and Sweden.

Main Report: Parental Leave Policies in 21 Countries: Assessing Generosity and Gender Equality

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Press Release

Summary pdf_small


Supporting Report: A Detailed Look at Parental Leave Policies in 21 OECD Countries

PDF pdf_small | Flash flash_small



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