Labor Market Policy Research Reports, November 2- November 8, 2013

November 08, 2013

Teresa Kroeger

The following labor market policy research reports were recently released: 

Center for American Progress

Fact Sheet: The State of African American Women in the United States
Maria Guerra

Fact Sheet: The State of Asian American Women in the United States
Marcus T. Smith

Fact Sheet: The State of Latinas in the United States
Mareshah Jackson

Middle-Out for Millennials: Creating Jobs for Young People
Sarah Ayres and Molly Dillon


Center for Economic and Policy Research

Honduras Since the Coup: Economic and Social Outcomes
Jake Johnston and Stephan Lefebvre


Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality
Chad Stone, Danilo Trisi, and Arloc Sherman

Rental Assistance Helps More Than 300,000 Veterans Afford Homes, but Large Unmet Needs Remain
Will Fischer

Sequestration Could Cut Housing Vouchers for as Many as 185,000 Low-Income Families by the End of 2014
Douglas Rice


Economic Policy Institute

Labor Market Will Lose 310,000 Jobs in 2014 if Unemployment Insurance Extensions Expire
Lawrence Mishel and Heidi Shierholz

Public Insurance Is Increasingly Crucial to American Families Even as Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Coverage Ends Its Steady Decline
Elise Gould


Institute for Women’s Policy Research

Women and Men in the Recovery: Where the Jobs Are; Women’s Recovery Strengthens in Year Four
Heidi Hartmann, Elyse Shaw, and Elizabeth Pandya


Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

Affordable Care Act of 2010: Creating Job Opportunities for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Bianca Frogner and Joanne Spetz

Broadband and Jobs: African Americans Rely Heavily on Mobile Access and Social Networking in Job Search
John B. Horrigan


National Employment Law Project

Federal Neglect Leaves State Unemployment Systems in State of Disrepair
Rebecca Dixon

More Than Two Million Unemployed Workers Will Lose Jobless Aid by Early 2014 if Congress Allows Federal Benefits to Shutdown at Year’s End

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