Trump Tweets, CEPR Speaks

November 08, 2017

It’s a new era in America. Fake News, grandiose claims, misinformation, obfuscation…you name it. When the President of the United States tweets things like:

trump tweet 1


trump tweet 2

We all feel like we’re going crazy. We can’t understand how this can be happening. It’s all so daunting.

But we keep going, and for CEPR that means responding to the daily barrage with facts, data, truth, and reason. We say “No, Mr. President, threats against North Korea are prohibited by the UN charter.”

trump tweet 3

And “No, Mr. President, Obamacare is Only ‘Exploding’ in Red States” (as we were the first to point out).

trump tweet 4

We fight back with the truth. We know that you have battle fatigue. We understand that every progressive group is sending you the same plea: “We need your help now more than ever! Please give now!” We know that it feels overwhelming.

But we really do need your support now, more than ever. Consider sending some of your charitable dollars CEPR’s way so that we can continue to fight for the economic policies that will truly #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Whether it’s through Twitter, our op-eds, our in-depth research reports, our outreach to the groups on the front lines, or our briefings for policymakers, CEPR’s work is crucial to the resistance. Day after day after day, tweet by tweet.

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