Haiti Relief & Reconstruction Watch

Haiti Relief & Reconstruction Watch

Haiti: Relief and Reconstruction Watch is a blog that tracks multinational aid efforts in Haiti with an eye towards ensuring they are oriented towards the needs of the Haitian people, and that aid is not used to undermine Haitians' right to self-determination.

As MINUSTAH attempts to blackmail Haiti’s political parties, candidates, and wider population into accepting the soon-to-be-announced results of November 28’s deeply flawed elections, secret State Department communications recently revealed by Wikileaks r
As MINUSTAH attempts to blackmail Haiti’s political parties, candidates, and wider population into accepting the soon-to-be-announced results of November 28’s deeply flawed elections, secret State Department communications recently revealed by Wikileaks r
It started early Sunday morning. Polling stations were late to open, voters were not finding their names on the lists, and general confusion reigned. In Corail, the "model" IDP camp, only 39 people were registered out of a camp population of thousands. Th
It started early Sunday morning. Polling stations were late to open, voters were not finding their names on the lists, and general confusion reigned. In Corail, the "model" IDP camp, only 39 people were registered out of a camp population of thousands. Th
CEPR Co-Director Mark Weisbrot writes in The Guardian (UK): The “election” in Haiti shows once again how low Washington’s standards are for democracy in countries that they want to control politically. And there is no doubt who is in charge there. There i
CEPR Co-Director Mark Weisbrot writes in The Guardian (UK): The “election” in Haiti shows once again how low Washington’s standards are for democracy in countries that they want to control politically. And there is no doubt who is in charge there. There i

National Observers Denounce Election

Much has been made of the preliminary observation report from the OAS-CARICOM joint observation mission, yet very little attention has been paid to reports from national electoral monitors. While the OAS mission had just 120 observers, national observers
Much has been made of the preliminary observation report from the OAS-CARICOM joint observation mission, yet very little attention has been paid to reports from national electoral monitors. While the OAS mission had just 120 observers, national observers
After cancelling a press conference set for Sunday evening, the OAS-CARICOM Joint Observation Mission announced their preliminary findings yesterday. There was a long list of irregularities on election day that echoed numerous media reports and what was w
After cancelling a press conference set for Sunday evening, the OAS-CARICOM Joint Observation Mission announced their preliminary findings yesterday. There was a long list of irregularities on election day that echoed numerous media reports and what was w
A newly-available State Department cable leaked by Wikileaks supports what many critics of MINUSTAH have long alleged: that Brazil maintains its leadership of the mission out of political motives – in particular, to prove its worthiness for a seat on the
A newly-available State Department cable leaked by Wikileaks supports what many critics of MINUSTAH have long alleged: that Brazil maintains its leadership of the mission out of political motives – in particular, to prove its worthiness for a seat on the

Official election observers from the OAS and CARICOM are staying quiet on their assessment on the elections, but others are beginning to express their concern over the numerous serious problems that affected yesterday’s vote. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) – soon expected to head the House Foreign Affairs Committee — issued a statement today saying:

I am deeply concerned about and deeply regret reports of serious irregularities in today’s elections in Haiti. They must be investigated immediately and steps taken to correct this wrong perpetrated against the democratic aspirations of the Haitian people.

Meanwhile Haiti Libre is reporting that a total of 15 presidential candidates are now calling for the election results to be annulled, with Génard Joseph (Groupement Solidarité), Yves Cristalin (Oganizasyon Lavni -LAVNI) and Yvon Neptune (Ayisyen Pou Ayiti) endorsing the sentiments of the previous 12 candidates. Various media reports have noted that annulment is favored by “all of the major contenders but one: Jude Celestin, who is backed by the Unity party of President Rene Preval.” 

Official election observers from the OAS and CARICOM are staying quiet on their assessment on the elections, but others are beginning to express their concern over the numerous serious problems that affected yesterday’s vote. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) – soon expected to head the House Foreign Affairs Committee — issued a statement today saying:

I am deeply concerned about and deeply regret reports of serious irregularities in today’s elections in Haiti. They must be investigated immediately and steps taken to correct this wrong perpetrated against the democratic aspirations of the Haitian people.

Meanwhile Haiti Libre is reporting that a total of 15 presidential candidates are now calling for the election results to be annulled, with Génard Joseph (Groupement Solidarité), Yves Cristalin (Oganizasyon Lavni -LAVNI) and Yvon Neptune (Ayisyen Pou Ayiti) endorsing the sentiments of the previous 12 candidates. Various media reports have noted that annulment is favored by “all of the major contenders but one: Jude Celestin, who is backed by the Unity party of President Rene Preval.” 

CEPR’s statement, citing Co-Director Mark Weisbrot’s calling for the international community to reject Haiti’s flawed elections, and describing the numerous irregularities that CEPR’s Alex Main witnessed and others that were reported in the press, has been cited in numerous media reports today. The Miami Herald, BBC, Reuters, AFP, Radio France, and Deutsche Welle are among the outlets reporting on it, and it has received a good deal of attention in Brazilian and other Latin American media as well. Alex, Mark and other CEPR staff have been doing interviews today on the situation in Haiti with a number of radio, TV, and press outlets – you can listen, e.g. to Alex’s interview with WBAI’s Wake Up Call this morning here (Alex joins the program at 33:40).

CEPR’s statement, citing Co-Director Mark Weisbrot’s calling for the international community to reject Haiti’s flawed elections, and describing the numerous irregularities that CEPR’s Alex Main witnessed and others that were reported in the press, has been cited in numerous media reports today. The Miami Herald, BBC, Reuters, AFP, Radio France, and Deutsche Welle are among the outlets reporting on it, and it has received a good deal of attention in Brazilian and other Latin American media as well. Alex, Mark and other CEPR staff have been doing interviews today on the situation in Haiti with a number of radio, TV, and press outlets – you can listen, e.g. to Alex’s interview with WBAI’s Wake Up Call this morning here (Alex joins the program at 33:40).

MINUSTAH Admits There Were Some Problems

A full day after polls closed in Haiti, MINUSTAH issued a statement describing its account of what happened yesterday. For the first time, the organization acknowledges some of the more serious irregularities in the vote [Google translation]: If everyone
A full day after polls closed in Haiti, MINUSTAH issued a statement describing its account of what happened yesterday. For the first time, the organization acknowledges some of the more serious irregularities in the vote [Google translation]: If everyone

Elections in the Time of Cholera, Part IV

The following is the fourth installment of Alex Main's triplog from Haiti, click here for the first, here for the second, or here for the third:Today, elections are being held in Haiti.  The country’s electoral authority, the Provisional Electoral Council
The following is the fourth installment of Alex Main's triplog from Haiti, click here for the first, here for the second, or here for the third:Today, elections are being held in Haiti.  The country’s electoral authority, the Provisional Electoral Council

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