Haiti Relief & Reconstruction Watch

Haiti Relief & Reconstruction Watch

Haiti: Relief and Reconstruction Watch is a blog that tracks multinational aid efforts in Haiti with an eye towards ensuring they are oriented towards the needs of the Haitian people, and that aid is not used to undermine Haitians' right to self-determination.

2 Important Video Reports from Haiti

Watch Aljazeera’s Fault Lines for an examination into the debate over reconstruction plans for Haiti. Unlike too many reports, Fault Lines presents perspectives from Haitian economists and other experts on how Haiti can rebuild and develop in order to bes
Watch Aljazeera’s Fault Lines for an examination into the debate over reconstruction plans for Haiti. Unlike too many reports, Fault Lines presents perspectives from Haitian economists and other experts on how Haiti can rebuild and develop in order to bes

Calls for Artistide’s Return

While Haiti continues to dig itself out of the rubble, and various individuals and groups lay out their ideas for reconstruction, there is a notable absence in Haiti. Ousted in 2004, the overwhelmingly popular Jean Bertrand Aristide is still in Pretoria,
While Haiti continues to dig itself out of the rubble, and various individuals and groups lay out their ideas for reconstruction, there is a notable absence in Haiti. Ousted in 2004, the overwhelmingly popular Jean Bertrand Aristide is still in Pretoria,

The Rains Begin

With hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Haitians living in make-shift camps, the lack of rain since the earthquake has been a relief. Today, however, Reuters reports that: Heavy rain drenched earthquake survivors in the tent camps of the Haitian ca
With hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Haitians living in make-shift camps, the lack of rain since the earthquake has been a relief. Today, however, Reuters reports that: Heavy rain drenched earthquake survivors in the tent camps of the Haitian ca

Increasing Frustration Over Lack of Aid

While there has not been much coverage in major media of the protests taking place in Haiti, Reuters reports: "...a noisy, early morning protest by several hundred Haitians at the U.N. mission headquarters brought into sharp focus simmering anger over the
While there has not been much coverage in major media of the protests taking place in Haiti, Reuters reports: "...a noisy, early morning protest by several hundred Haitians at the U.N. mission headquarters brought into sharp focus simmering anger over the

UNASUR Makes Commitment to Haiti

This week in Quito, Ecuador, heads of state from South American nations are meeting to discuss and coordinate Haitian relief efforts. Yesterday, the leaders endorsed a proposal to create a $100 Million fund, supplemented with another $200 Million from the
This week in Quito, Ecuador, heads of state from South American nations are meeting to discuss and coordinate Haitian relief efforts. Yesterday, the leaders endorsed a proposal to create a $100 Million fund, supplemented with another $200 Million from the

HousAll Shelters to Haiti

CBC News reports that 1,200 HousAll shelters will be shipped to Haiti on Friday. The shelter "consists of plastic panels that pop into a steel frame" and will be used for medical clinics and daycares. The Founder of HousAll, Miles Kennedy is reported as s
CBC News reports that 1,200 HousAll shelters will be shipped to Haiti on Friday. The shelter "consists of plastic panels that pop into a steel frame" and will be used for medical clinics and daycares. The Founder of HousAll, Miles Kennedy is reported as s
Most people in Port-au-Prince recently asked by Oxfam say they do not want to move to camps outside the city. The survey also shows that most people have received very little direct information about the Haitian government’s plans to move people to new ca
Most people in Port-au-Prince recently asked by Oxfam say they do not want to move to camps outside the city. The survey also shows that most people have received very little direct information about the Haitian government’s plans to move people to new ca
Elaine Zuckerman, President of Gender Action and the former Inter-American Development Bank Programs Officer for Haiti, writes about what needs to be done to make sure that aid to Haiti does not repeat the mistakes of the past:To Help Haiti, Upend Aid Hab
Elaine Zuckerman, President of Gender Action and the former Inter-American Development Bank Programs Officer for Haiti, writes about what needs to be done to make sure that aid to Haiti does not repeat the mistakes of the past:To Help Haiti, Upend Aid Hab
Mark WeisbrotThe Guardian Unlimited, February 8, 2010See article on original websiteLast week actors and human rights advocates Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, along with the Reverend Jesse Jackson, sent a letter to Congress and the Obama Administration
Mark WeisbrotThe Guardian Unlimited, February 8, 2010See article on original websiteLast week actors and human rights advocates Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, along with the Reverend Jesse Jackson, sent a letter to Congress and the Obama Administration

Numbing Numbers

Center for Constitutional Rights legal director Bill Quigley breaks down the Haiti relief numbers today on Common Dreams, such as:1 million – the number of “people who have been given food by the UN World Food Program in Port au Prince – another million i
Center for Constitutional Rights legal director Bill Quigley breaks down the Haiti relief numbers today on Common Dreams, such as:1 million – the number of “people who have been given food by the UN World Food Program in Port au Prince – another million i

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