Haiti Relief & Reconstruction Watch

Haiti Relief & Reconstruction Watch

Haiti: Relief and Reconstruction Watch is a blog that tracks multinational aid efforts in Haiti with an eye towards ensuring they are oriented towards the needs of the Haitian people, and that aid is not used to undermine Haitians' right to self-determination.

212,000 Dead, 2 Million Homeless

In an interview with CNN, Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said that:

“We have over 200,000 (dead). The last number I received from my services was 212,000 people that were collected on the streets and different places.”

Bellerive also added that the number of homeless is probably much higher than the one million originally thought.  He stated that once those that were homeless prior to the earthquake are taken into account “you should have around two million people on the streets right now.”

In an interview with CNN, Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said that:

“We have over 200,000 (dead). The last number I received from my services was 212,000 people that were collected on the streets and different places.”

Bellerive also added that the number of homeless is probably much higher than the one million originally thought.  He stated that once those that were homeless prior to the earthquake are taken into account “you should have around two million people on the streets right now.”

Aid Slow to Reach Cite Soleil

Numerous reports in the last few days have focused on the lack of essential aid reaching Cite Soleil, home to hundreds of thousands of Haitians.  Ansel Herz reports for Reuters today that while the World Food Program has now set up two distribution sites
Numerous reports in the last few days have focused on the lack of essential aid reaching Cite Soleil, home to hundreds of thousands of Haitians.  Ansel Herz reports for Reuters today that while the World Food Program has now set up two distribution sites

US Treasury Supports Debt Relief for Haiti

Today Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner released the following statement supporting debt relief in Haiti:

“The earthquake in Haiti was a catastrophic setback to the Haitian people who are now facing tremendous emergency humanitarian and reconstruction needs, and meeting Haiti’s financing needs will require a massive multilateral effort,” said Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. “Today, we are voicing our support for what Haiti needs and deserves – comprehensive multilateral debt relief.”

To read more about the importance of debt relief for Haiti please see Jubilee USA.

Today Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner released the following statement supporting debt relief in Haiti:

“The earthquake in Haiti was a catastrophic setback to the Haitian people who are now facing tremendous emergency humanitarian and reconstruction needs, and meeting Haiti’s financing needs will require a massive multilateral effort,” said Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. “Today, we are voicing our support for what Haiti needs and deserves – comprehensive multilateral debt relief.”

To read more about the importance of debt relief for Haiti please see Jubilee USA.

Introduction to Relief and Reconstruction Watch

This blog will follow the relief and reconstruction efforts in Haiti. Haiti’s poverty, as has been well known for more than two centuries, is not so much a result of natural disasters or other characteristics of the country, as it is the result of the intervention of foreign powers. This has been true in recent years as well: from 2000-2004, the United States, in collaboration with other allies, cut off nearly all international aid to Haiti in an effort that wrecked the economy and succeeded in toppling the elected government. This blog will keep track of current efforts at relief and reconstruction with an eye towards ensuring that such efforts are oriented toward the most urgent and important needs of the Haitian people, and that aid is not used to undermine Haitians’ right to self-determination.

This blog will follow the relief and reconstruction efforts in Haiti. Haiti’s poverty, as has been well known for more than two centuries, is not so much a result of natural disasters or other characteristics of the country, as it is the result of the intervention of foreign powers. This has been true in recent years as well: from 2000-2004, the United States, in collaboration with other allies, cut off nearly all international aid to Haiti in an effort that wrecked the economy and succeeded in toppling the elected government. This blog will keep track of current efforts at relief and reconstruction with an eye towards ensuring that such efforts are oriented toward the most urgent and important needs of the Haitian people, and that aid is not used to undermine Haitians’ right to self-determination.

Shelter Before the Rainy Season Begins

Haitian President Rene Preval requested 200,000 tents last week to help provide shelter for the hundreds of thousands of displaced and homeless in the wake of the devastating earthquake in Haiti.  On February 2, the UN issued a statement which said “Beyon
Haitian President Rene Preval requested 200,000 tents last week to help provide shelter for the hundreds of thousands of displaced and homeless in the wake of the devastating earthquake in Haiti.  On February 2, the UN issued a statement which said “Beyon

On Debt and the IMF

In 2008 the United Nations Human Rights council named Mr. Cephas Lumina as an independent expert on the effect of foreign debt. Today Mr. Lumina called for an immediate cancellation of debt for Haiti and directly addressed the International Monetary Fund
In 2008 the United Nations Human Rights council named Mr. Cephas Lumina as an independent expert on the effect of foreign debt. Today Mr. Lumina called for an immediate cancellation of debt for Haiti and directly addressed the International Monetary Fund

Haitian Voices Missing

In light of today’s Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing “HAITI RECONSTRUCTION: SMART PLANNING MOVING FORWARD”, the President of American Jewish World Service, Ruth Messinger had the following to say:

“While I am pleased that this important hearing is being held and believe that the witnesses called have important information to share with Congress, I am disappointed that the witness list is devoid of Haitian voices. Haiti’s reconstruction should be led by Haitians.”

In light of today’s Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing “HAITI RECONSTRUCTION: SMART PLANNING MOVING FORWARD”, the President of American Jewish World Service, Ruth Messinger had the following to say:

“While I am pleased that this important hearing is being held and believe that the witnesses called have important information to share with Congress, I am disappointed that the witness list is devoid of Haitian voices. Haiti’s reconstruction should be led by Haitians.”

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