Building a High Wage America: Lessons from the Heartland
- 9:30 am – 2:00 pm EDT
- 701 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20004 - The United States Navy Memorial Naval Heritage Center, Burke Theatre
What would it take to build a high wage America? The Century Foundation’s Bernard L. Schwartz Rediscovering Government Initiative and the Economic Policy Institute held a summit focused on how to raise wages for American workers and revitalize communities in our nation’s industrial heartland. Vice President Biden and Senator Gillibrand were joined by experts, policymakers, business owners, and advocates from across the country. Leaders reported back on lessons learned from The Century Foundation’s yearlong “High Wage America” tour through Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois, and presented concrete policies that federal lawmakers can use to raise wages, help revitalize manufacturing, and strengthen local communities in the Midwest and beyond. The Economic Policy Institute also released new research on U.S. wage trends at the event.
Confirmed Speakers