
Community Cinema Screening of ‘As Goes Janesville’

  • 5:00 pm EDT
  • 2021 14th Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20009 - Busboys and Poets

Hosted By:
ITVS, WHUT, Washington DCJCC, Busboys and Poets, and the Center for Social Media at American University

When bankrupt General Motors shut down Janesville, Wisconsin’s century-old plant in 2008, thousands of jobs were lost. While many workers were forced to leave their families in search of decent jobs, local business leaders worked to bring new companies to town with the promise of lower wages, reduced regulation, and tax breaks.

They formed a powerful alliance with newly elected Republican governor Scott Walker, whose pro-business, anti-union stance ripped apart the state, triggering a historic recall election.

CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker took part in a Q & A following a screening of Brad Lichtenstein “As Goes Janesville.” The event was presented by ITVS, with WHUT, Washington DCJCC, Busboys and Poets and Center for Social Media at American University.

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