
David Gordon Memorial Lecture

  • 5:30 pm EST
  • 780 Mission St San Francisco, CA 94103 - Marriott Marquis, Yerba Buena Salons 5 & 6

Hosted By:
Union for Radical Political Economics, as part of American Economic Association Annual Meeting

David Gordon Memorial Lecture

Union for Radical Political Economics, as part of American Economic Association Annual Meeting (registration is required)

Presenting the David Gordon Memorial Lecture, CEPR’s Dean Baker will present Rising Inequality: Are Rents the Problem? based on a CEPR Working Paper.

This paper argues that most of the increase in inequality since 1980 can be attributed to the growth of rents in four areas: excessive CEO pay, a bloated financial sector, the expansion of patent and copyright protection, and protectionist policies to benefit highly paid professionals. The paper produces a range of estimates of amount of additional income going to high-income households from each source. It also outlines alternative policies and institutional structures that can reduce the rents in these areas back to their pre-1980 levels measured as a share of GDP.

Presiding: Fred Moseley (Mount Holyoke College)
Discussants: Heather Boushey (Washington Center for Equitable Growth)

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