
IMF and World Bank Governance Reform: Enabling the International System to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century

  • 10:00 am – 4:00 pm EDT
  • 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20006 - Hybrid

Hosted By:
Open Society Foundations

Virtual or in-person registration here.

As the world continues to deal with the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the unequitable spill-overs from the war in Ukraine, as well as rising inequality and global debt, tensions between the need for coordinated international action and deepening geopolitical competition will likely worsen, with the increased use of development finance as a geopolitical tool. These dynamics will unfold in a context of a worsening climate crisis, and increased political and social instability and fragility. 

In these circumstances, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will continue to play a pivotal role in the multilateral response to these multiple crises through their lending, normative roles and agenda-setting power. Yet, these institutions continue to be dominated by the interests of high-income countries in the Global North, while the low- and middle- income countries in the Global South, which are most likely to borrow from these institutions, have limited influence on their governance and decision-making.

This full-day event will include panel discussions on the IMF quota system, SDR rechanneling, the World Bank’s new president appointment, ‘evolution roadmap’ and action on the capital adequacy framework review of the World Bank and other multilateral development banks.

Co-Sponsors: Arab Watch Coalition, Bretton Woods Project, Boston University Global Development Policy Center, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Christian AID, International Development Economics Associates, University of Pretoria, and Heinreich Böll Stiftung