
In Defense of the Social Safety Net

  • 6:00 pm EDT
  • 310 West 43rd Street, NY, NY 10036 - Martin Luther King Labor Center - #1199 Auditorium

Hosted By:
The Professional Staff Congress' Safety Net Working Group

Safety net programs are in peril. In November, the congressional super committee will announce draconian cuts. In New York, the governor and the mayor blame government austerity policies on the pensions and health benefits of public employees. And at CUNY, adjunct health care is threatened.

The time for push back is now. The Professional Staff Congress’ Safety Net Working Group hosted a forum titled “Call to Action: Defend the Social Safety Net.”

CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker was the keynote speaker, followed by a panel including James Parrott of the Fiscal Policy Institute, Kim Phillips-Fein of New York University and Frances Fox-Piven of the CUNY Graduate Center. For more information, visit the event’s website.

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