
“No Grand Bargain” Luncheon Forum

  • 12:00 pm EST
  • 100 Lytton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 - Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center

Keep Social Security & Medicare Off the Federal Budget Chopping Block!

What is happening to our great nation? The middle class is vanishing, and income inequality is the worst in our nation’s history. Many people work their whole lives but have too little or no retirement savings. Proposals in Washington call for short and long term benefit reductions to both Social Security and Medicare.

The 14th Congressional District could lose over $4 million in benefits for seniors in 2015 alone! Enacting the proposed changes will hurt older people, local economies, women, and the disabled in greater proportion.

Join us to hear from experts who will dispute the myths, and join with advocates who are fighting back against balancing the federal deficit on the backs of those most in need of these cherished federal programs.

Download a flier (PDF)

For more information about this event, please call 412-621-3006 or email [email protected]

Guest Speakers
Senator Jim Ferlo — Chairman
Leo Gerard — President, United Steelworkers of America
Prof. Wayne Burton — President, PA Alliance for Retired Americans
Nicole Woo — Center for Economic and Policy Research
Andrew Coates MD, FACP — President, Physicians for A National Health Program
Ed Grystar — Western PA Coalition for Single Payer Health Care

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