
The Impact of Social Policies and Workplace Law

  • 11:15 am EST
  • 3800 Reservoir Road, Northwest Washington, D.C. - Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center

Hosted By:
Georgetown University's Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor

In response to the rapid growth of low-wage work, policymakers have proposed a wide range of interventions and strategies, from traditional approaches like raising the minimum wage and unionization, to investing in primary and secondary education and job training, to intervening in the labor market with “living wage” laws and stepped-up labor law enforcement. Yet systematic empirical analysis of the efficacy of these various interventions is relatively scarce. Which policy strategies are most and least effective, and under what conditions have they succeeded or failed? How does each of them impact low-wage immigrants and African Americans in particular?

CEPR Senior Economists Eileen Appelbaum and John Schmitt took part in a panel discussion on “The Impact of Social Policies and Workplace Law” as part of a larger two-day conference titled “What Works for Workers? A Conference on Public Policies and Innovative Strategies for Low-Wage Workers.” Registration for the conference, which is sponsored by Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor, is $25. To RSVP, click here. Click here for a full agenda and paper abstracts.

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