The Jobs Crisis: Causes, Cures, Constraints
- 9:15 am EDT
- Albrechtstr. 2, 12165 Berlin - Best Western Hotel Steglitz International
More than five years after the beginning of the financial crisis in the United States, the world economy is still highly fragile. In particular, many countries are facing a severe jobs crisis. This is especially true for the euro area, which fell back into recession in 2012 and where unemployment has reached unprecedented levels.
The conference, “The Jobs Crisis: Causes, Cures, Constraints,” will look at where new and decent jobs are to come from? CEPR Co-director Dean Baker will take part in a plenary session on macroeconomic policies, labor market institutions and good jobs.
For more information, visit the conference website.
Dennos Museum Center Milliken Auditorium, Traverse City, MI