
US Interference in Latin America and the Caribbean: What the WikiLeaks Files Reveal

  • 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm EDT
  • 1601 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19122

This event takes place at the U.S. Social Forum in Philadelphia. For more information and to register for the forum, click here. Please note that registration is required to attend. 
Presented by the authors of two chapters in the forthcoming book from Verso, “The WikiLeaks Files,” this workshop will examine U.S. efforts to influence and sometimes undermine governments in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to achieve key U.S. policy objectives. State Department cables made available by WikiLeaks reveal various efforts at subversion in the Western Hemisphere. The cables show that over the past 15 years, undermining the government of Venezuela internally, and isolating it regionally, have been key priorities for the U.S. government in the hemisphere. The U.S. has failed in both of these objectives, as Venezuela continues to be governed by a left-wing government, and rather than isolating Venezuela, the U.S. has instead isolated itself in the region. 
Dan Beeton, International Communications Director, the Center for Economic and Policy Research
Alex Main, Senior Associate for International Policy, the Center for Economic and Policy Research

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