
What Next for the Eurozone? Macroeconomic Policy and the Recession

  • 4:00 pm EDT
  • 1818 H St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006 - Room MC - C1 - 100

Hosted By:
The World Bank

The eurozone is mired in its second recession in three years, and the most recent IMF projections show a decline in GDP for 2013. Unemployment has hit a record level of 11.9 percent for the eurozone, with Greece and Spain having jobless rates of 26 percent.

The risks of a serious financial crisis in the eurozone have subsided considerably since last year, but remain significant enough to possibly affect world economic growth and employment. CEPR Co-Director Mark Weisbrot took part in a forum that looked at macroeconomic policy in the eurozone and the challenges to restoring employment and growth.

Participants also included Prakash Loungani — an advisor in the IMF’s Research Department, co-chair of the IMF’s Working Group on Jobs and Growth, and a member of the World Economic Forum’s council on employment issues — and Jo Marie Griesgraber, executive director of the New Rules for Global Finance Coalition.

Mark’s Powerpoint Presentation (.pptx)

Prakash’s Powerpoint Presentation (.pptx)

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